mother daughter ice cream

How I handle food cravings to stay on track with my fitness goals 

When it came to food, I used to be all or nothing kind of person. I would either be on a diet or go to the other extreme and have any treats that cross my path. Luckily, I found a more balanced approach to handle food cravings while also keeping up with my body goals.

I am sharing the top 3 tips that helped me the most.

1.Keep bad food out of the house 

fridge with healthy foods
Keeping only healthy food in the house minimizes the chance of having random unplanned treats

If it is in the house, eventually I will eat it. More annoyingly, I would spend large amount of time thinking about whether to have it or not.

I solved my problem by simply not bringing in junk, processed, sugary food in the house.

The added bonus is that it had wonderful effect on my older son’s eating habits. He is used to the fact that we don’t have things like chips or candy lying around and eating them just because they are there. He knows these are special foods to enjoy over the weekend or during festivities.

2.Make an occasion out of it
fine dining and indulging in food cravings
Enjoying a craving in style at The Four Seasons Resort in Dubai

I created rituals around specific treats. I decided that if I would surrender to food cravings every once in a while, I will ensure the experience is nothing less than absolute indulgence.

 If I want to consume spirits, I will have a glass of prosecco, in a chic tall glass, in a nice restaurant with a great view. 

If I want to eat desert, I would choose a bespoke café known for it’s delicacies with cozy atmosphere and excellent coffee. 

Cheap wine in a plastic cup or average cookies from the supermarket? No, thank you.

Tip 2 in action: Instead of destroying a pint of ice cream alone on my sofa and feeling guilty about it, I take my family to La Romana for a regular sized cone and a lot of memories making

This approach proved good not just for my waistline. Having treats is now a special occasion which brings us closer together as a family. For example, we will often find our weekend plans gravitating around La Romana in Nakheel mall. It serves hands down the most delicious ice cream in the world.

I am sure we will not enjoy those occasions as much if we were having random snacks at home on a daily basis. 

3.Size vs frequency formula 
espresso with chocolate to satisfy daily food cravings
Small regular pleasures can help us stay on track 95% of the rest of our days

I believe in everyone choosing what works best for them and can be sustained for a long time. I have friends committed to healthy eating 6 days a week and then going all out at a nice weekend brunch. And it works perfectly well for them.

I personally feel better with smaller but more regular treats. Many people might argue that 90% dark chocolate doesn’t qualify as a treat. But I love it and I have a piece every single day with my espresso after lunch.

I figured that it gives me just the right balance of keeping up with good nutrition without over-obsessing.

Experiment, listen to your body and find out what works best for you

Eating healthy, nutritious foods most of the time will do wonders for the way your body looks and feels. But life is there to be lived and loved. And constant limitations are not the way to do it. Find the places, foods and special occasions that define absolute indulgence for you and enjoy yourself.

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