Healthy cooking for beginners – which ingredients to always have in the kitchen

woman cooking book

Before you start reading, you need to know something – I really don’t like cooking. Are you confused right now? Why would the author of an article about healthy cooking for beginners admit that she doesn’t enjoy cooking. I am coming clean because of two reasons.

Firstly, I put off starting to eat healthy for many years because I thought you cannot do it unless you are a very good cook. So if you are like me, I want you to know that you can stick to very basic healthy cooking methods and still make it work.

Secondly, as I don’t like spending long hours in the kitchen, you can rely on really simple, easy and quick tips on healthy cooking from this blog. I would always look for the absolute bare minimum when it comes to healthy cooking basics.

Without further due, here it is: the healthy cooking for beginners’ guide to the most basic ingredients you should always have in your kitchen:

1.Cooking spray

I use avocado cooking spray for healthy cooking because of a few reasons:

  • it is made of just pure avocado oil, nothing else
  • it is safe for cooking. Many oils and also some sprays are dangerous for cooking because they release harmful compounds when heated to high temperatures
2.Anti-inflammatory herbs and spices
In addition to adding taste to even the simplest dishes, anti-inflammatory spices such as turmeric and oregano have a ton of health benefits

I first got introduced to the concept of anti-inflammatory spices in Maria Borelius’ brilliant book Health Revolution. While I don’t believe there is a single magical juice/herb/food, the combination of anti-inflammatory foods and practices had a definite positive impact on my well-being. Getting rid of constantly bloated stomach and faster recovery from my reoccurring lower back pain are just a few examples.

The anti-inflammatory spices you can always find in my kitchen cupboard are:

  • oregano
  • basil
  • thyme
  • turmeric
  • garlic powder

I usually throw a random mix of those in most dishes (I warned you about not being a good cook) and the result is always aromatic and tasty. A very simple healthy recipe I have for dinner a few nights a week is :

  • dumping those spices in a zip lock bag
  • adding a drizzle of olive oil and balsamic
  • throwing in some sliced chicken fillets
  • cooking it for 16-20 mins in the air-fryer

Very easy, very healthy, very high in lean protein. What else could you wish for in healthy cooking for beginners?

3.Apple cider vinegar

I use the Earth’s Finest Apple Cider Vinegar but any high-quality, clean apple cider vinegar will do the trick. I use it for two main reasons:

  • It is a great, low calorie and healthy dressing for green salads
  • It can help to control blood sugar levels
    • Whenever I decide to indulge in a high sugar craving, I have a cup of warm water with apple cider vinegar on the side. I also try to combine this with some protein such as a boiled egg or cottage cheese.
    • I don’t claim any solid medical research backup for this combination. But I have found consistently that it helps with my sugar levels not going all crazy when I have a chocolate macaroon or my mother-in-law’s amazing pancakes with strawberry jam.
4.Adding all the taste without all the calories
salad olive oil balsamic
Olive oil and balsamic can add plenty of taste to salads without the extra calories that come in heavy dressings

One of the misconceptions of healthy cooking beginners is that they think they need to give up taste for the sake of health and body goals. Healthy cooking can and should be absolutely delicious, otherwise I wouldn’t stick with it for so many years now. But instead of heavy, artery blocking sauces, I like to add taste through below healthy condiments which have a lot less calories when used in moderation:

  • olive oil + lemon – perfect healthy dressing for salads
  • sun dried tomatoes – I use it to add taste to salads or omelets
  • capers – absolute favorite addition to salads
  • pesto – a spoonful can add great taste to plain chicken breast
  • mustard – another great way to change it up on your lean protein
  • balsamic vinegar
  • soy sauce – white plain rice is not so plain anymore
fit woman cutting salad
You don’t need fancy cooking skills to prepare healthy food. Having simple ingredients handy in your kitchen can also result in tasty healthy meals

If you are a complete beginner to healthy cooking, fear not. You don’t need any fancy skills or gourmet ingredients to make it work. Just fill up your kitchen cupboards with some basic but tasty spices and condiments and enjoy cooking the simple dishes that will make you feel full of energy and lust for life.

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