How to start eating healthy for beginners – 4 simple steps

woman choosing apple or muffin

The decision to start eating healthy was the best thing that happened to me (alongside having kids and moving to Dubai). I feel good in my skin and have the energy to do the things I like. And most importantly: after 19 years of constant dieting, I can enjoy food guilt-free and still have the physique I always wanted.

While the decision to start eating healthy is amazing, figuring out how to do it as a beginner is a different story. There are so many schools of thought – paleo, keto, vegan, carnivore. And all of them claim that everyone else has gotten it all wrong.

If you are confused in the many rules that seem to come with healthy eating, here are 4 simple steps for absolute beginners. They helped me to transition gradually to what has now become just my regular way of eating for the past few years. And they did so without making me feel overwhelmed.

1.Lean protein with every single meal
grilled chicken
If you want to change only one habit when you start eating healthy, adding protein to every single meal will have the greatest impact

If I go back in time to my start of eating healthy and need to choose only one step, it would be eating protein with every meal. When I started changing my habits, I realized that I used to snack all the time. Because I was not eating enough protein to keep me full, I ended up consuming much more food than I needed. I now eat only 4 meals per day and don’t feel the need to constantly munch in between.

Are you waking up in the morning starving, or even during the night? That used to be me. It all changed once my dinners became a solid portion of protein with some vegetables and healthy fats. My dinner and breakfast are around 11 hours apart, giving my stomach some time to rest. Oh, and it also means waking up with flat stomach if the rest did not persuade you 😉

For more ideas on why, when and how to make protein part of your every meal, check out how to get fit by eating more, not less.

2.Green colored vegetables at least 2 times a day
green pepper asparagus broccoli
Green colored vegetables are perfect to start eating healthy – they are low in calories and high in vitamins and minerals

Why green ones? Frankly, there is no specific reason other than trying to keep it simple as promised. If you think about it, green vegies are the ones with least calories while being packed with minerals and vitamins (think spinach, broccoli, zucchini, cucumber).

3.Fruits + whole grains/root vegetables 2 times a day (together or at separate meals, it doesn’t matter)
cut fruits
Enjoy fruits without guilt especially if you exercise. They are a great healthy source of energy

I grouped fruits, grains and root vegetables together as they are the main, healthy sources of carbs. You need carbs. Full stop. Don’t let people tell you that they are bad for you. They feed your muscles and your brain. If you decided to start eating healthy, chances are you also started an exercise routine. So you definitely need enough carbs to sustain your performance and not feel drained afterwards. We have kids to watch and errands to take care of. We cannot walk around feeling exhausted.

While any whole grain or root vegetable is a good source of carbs (yes, you can have potatoes and white rice because you are eating healthy and in moderation!), I would suggest alternating them on different days or meals as they provide different set of healthy nutrients.

When it comes to fruits: if you want to start eating healthy just for the mental and physiological benefits, then have all the fruits in the world. But if you are also after some fitness goals, such as losing weight, I would suggest that you focus more on lower sugar/ lower calories fruits such as berries, melon, pears. I also have my 2 servings of fruits in the first part of the day – before and after my workout as I use them as a main energy source.

4.Healthy fats at least once per day
avocado salmon nuts
Have healthy fats for beautiful nails, hair and skin

Avocado with a salad, some nuts in your smoothie/ breakfast bowl or salmon for dinner are all amazing sources of healthy fats. I personally thrive better on higher (healthy) fat quantities. Cutting out fats completely from my menu few years ago costed me dearly (you can read more about it in my struggle with hormonal acne and how I fixed it for good).

Balancing your macronutrients (protein, carbs and fat) and taking in enough vitamins, minerals and fiber are the fundamentals of healthy eating. Adopting these 4 simple steps will help you see the most drastic improvements in both your physical fitness and mental health. Once you get the hang of them, you can advance on your healthy eating journey and keep reaping the benefits.

Not sure which foods to choose in each of the 4 groups?

I’ve got you covered. Get my FREE Healthy Grocery List here. It has more than 100 food ideas grouped into protein, carbs, low carb veggies and fats sections.

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