How to get the healthy hair and skin of your dreams

I remember traveling in my 20s. My clothes took up a shy one third of my suitcase. The rest was filled with all my sprays, masks, serums and countless supplements. I once counted them and my hair + skincare routine included 22 products!!

The most annoying part – my hair was always frizzy, my ends were split and don’t even get me started on all the pimples and blackheads.

Don’t get me wrong. I still believe in investing in high quality products and treatments when it comes to my hair and skin. But an awful outbreak of hormonal acne in my 30s made me completely redefine my approach to beauty.

I had to dive deep into research and a lot of personal trial and error to discover that slapping numerous cremes on my tortured face was not the solution.

And as they are both connected, discovering the right formula to healthy skin also meant getting the best hair of my entire life.

But enough of my life story for now. Here is the full list of all my discoveries when it comes to healthy hair and skin – the foods, the vitamins, the products.

Spoiler alert: proper nutrition plays a huge role.

Secret no.1: Eat your fats
The dietary fats found in salmon, avocado, nuts and virgin oil are essential for healthy hair and skin

For decades we were brainwashed to believe that eating fats translates into getting fat. This is true if all you eat is deep-fried chicken and buttery cheesecake. But avoiding healthy fats has many damaging effects on our health. And our looks as it turns out.

If a friend complains of excessive hair loss, brittle nails and acne prone skin, my first guess is she is staying away from eating fats. And I would be right most of the time.

Healthy dietary fats play 2 important roles for healthy hair and skin:

A. They contain omega acids which are essential for building cell membranes

B. Some of the most important vitamins for skin and hair health ( vitamin D, A and E) are fat-soluble. In simple terms, without fats in our diet the body does not absorb properly these essential vitamins.

So few years ago when I was popping expensive supplements but staying away from fats because of weight obsession I was not doing my body or wallet a favor.

Repeat after me: Healthy dietary fats are not the devil! Now go eat that avocado, raw nuts, egg yolk or full fat greek yoghurt.

Secret no.2: Do you need to take supplements for healthy hair and skin?
You can get most vitamins for healthy hair and skin from food. Supplements are mainly necessary for diagnosed deficiencies

My approach to supplements changed drastically in the last few years. I used to be someone who would take any supplement I hear about but inconsistently.

Since then I changed my eating habits to get a balance of all macronutrients (protein, fats and carbs) and essential micronutrients (vitamins and minerals).

I am now a firm believer in obtaining as many nutrients as you can from your food instead of pills. But there are still vitamins and minerals essential to my needs that I supplement with.

I would strongly recommend doing blood work to identify if you actually have any deficiencies and need supplements. Reason being is that the vitamins and minerals for healthy hair and skin are also responsible for many other essential functions in the body.

Something that starts as an annoying beauty problem such as excessive hair loss or heavy cystic acne, can be a sign of more serious health concerns. So it is always best to get checked up.

But for general knowledge, some of the essential micronutrients relevant to hair and skin are:

A. Vitamins: D, C, A and B

B. Minerals: Iron and Zinc

Secret no.3: Less is more when it comes to hair and skincare products
For healthy hair and skin all you need is a few essential cosmetic products from high quality brands

I can promise you without a doubt that you don’t need at least half of the skin and hair products overflowing in each cupboard of your bathroom. In fact, some of them are probably causing more harm than good.

Do yourself a favor next Sunday and do a thorough cleanup. It will help your hair and skin. And also your relationship if your mate is having a hard time finding his toothbrush in all that clutter 😉

After the cleanup, invest in a few high-quality essentials from reputable brands.

Here is a list of essential products for healthy hair and skin based on my personal experience and the advice of the dermatologists I trust:

A. Hair: shampoo and conditioner. That’s it!

B. Skin

Absolute essentials: micellar water, soap free cleanser, hydrating serum, sunscreen.

Leave me a comment below if you have combination, prone to acne skin and want me to share what brands I use (just consider secret no. 4 and take the list with a pinch of salt).

Extras for more more mature or acne prone skin: retinoid (only in the evening), vitamin C serum (only in the morning).

If you don’t believe what a huge difference simplifying my skincare made for my face, send me a DM on Instagram. I will gladly message you a before and after photo of my hormonal acne because the before is too disturbing to post here 🙂

Secret no.4: Your hair and skin are unique
Your hair and skin are different than those of your friends. Know your skin type and find the right products for it

Your hair and skin are unique. The products or treatments that worked for your best friend or a celebrity you admire might not work for you.

It is very important that you know at least your basic skin type (oily, dry or combination) and only use products specifically designed for that skin type.

There is no such thing as a facial skin care product for “all skin types” (except eye and lips make up). If you see this claim on a label, just stay away from that brand.

There is a great book on the topic by Dr. Leslie Baumann called The Skin Type Solution. It helps you identify your skin type and what are the best products and treatments to use as well as those to stay away from.

Secret no.5: Do your research and choose wisely
Ask around and read reviews to make sure you choose the right dermatologist for hair and skin treatments

There are numerous products and treatment providers. It is best to do some research first especially if you have specific complaints such as problematic skin or hair and scalp issues like hair loss and seborrheic dermatitis.

A. Choosing the right professional for your skin and hair needs

I choose my dermatologists and hairdressers as I would choose a dentist or OB/GYN – I read reviews, check their work online and ask around for friends’ recommendations.

The dermatologists I trust the most are Dr. Lana Kashlan (her practice is split between USA and Dubai) and Dr. Paskova (Sofia, Bulgaria).

B. Choosing the right hair and skincare products is as important for your looks as it is for your health

Use reliable tools such as the EWG skin deep database to check if the products you buy have any hazardous chemicals

Knowing what’s in our cosmetics can do much more than prevent a breakout before a major family or work event. Unfortunately, the cosmetics industry is highly unregulated and not transparent in many countries.

But there is a hugely useful resource called the EWG skin deep database where you can find a hazard score for numerous personal care products. The scores are calculated on a number of factors from toxicity of ingredients to likelihood of causing irritation and allergies or even cancer.

Check it out. It is super easy to use and you will be surprised by the number of major cosmetics players that have high hazard scores. Especially those manufacturing products for babies.

Healthy hair and skin is totally possible

The path to beautiful hair and skin is rather simple. All you need to do is:

  • Eat plenty of food high in healthy fats, vitamins and minerals
  • Use only the most essential cosmetics from trusted brands and suitable for your hair and skin type

Try it for a month and let me know what happened!

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