woman reading on the beach

My top recommendations for books about fitness and healthy eating

If you are searching for books about fitness and healthy eating, the vast number of options to chose from is confusing. There are the books promising miracles like losing weight for a week on a celery juice diet. Or the very thick scientific ones which are difficult to understand and slightly boring for the regular person.

Here is the list of my favourite books about fitness and healthy eating. They are interesting, full of useful information and are written in a language accessible to those of us that don’t have a degree in the field.

Health Revolution

Best for: ideas on how to look and feel better at any age

It might sound as a cliché but this book revolutionized the way I thought about movement and nutrition. I stumbled upon it at a time when I was already in the process of transforming my habits. And it couldn’t fit better my state of mind at the time.

To start with, Maria Borelius is an extremely talented writer. The story sucks you in and is easy to follow along. She has a degree in science journalism (biology and physics), so the claims in the book are well backed up by real facts.

Last but not least, the book has a special meaning to me because it introduced me to Rita Catolino. I worked with Rita as my online nutritionist coach at the time when I had my awful hormonal acne outbreaks. She helped me to build healthy dietary fats in my diet while staying lean and continuing to build muscle.

Also available on Google Play Books.

Bigger Leaner Stronger

Best for: strength training beginners interested to learn more and get real results on their fitness journey

The book is targeted to men, but I found plenty of useful advice that is applicable to everyone. The author takes a lot of time and care to set the basics and explain in depth the fundamental terms. However, he does that without making the book dry to read.

Also available on Kindle

Atomic Habits

Best for: tips on how to create healthier habits

This book is not strictly related to fitness and healthy eating. But it belongs to this list because consistency is the key to staying on track with fitness goals. And there is no better way to stay consistent than having a system of robust habits. The author’s idea is that the more healthy habits you establish, the less you need to think about them twice. Once an activity is a habit then you start doing it automatically without overthinking it. The book is full of inspiring stories and practical tips.

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