woman gym outfit yoga

Gym outfits tips for new moms

I like dressing up in cool gym outfits. There, I said it. It might be superficial but I don’t care. It gives me the confidence boost I need. And I figured my workouts are more effective when I feel more confident. The biggest challenge to my confidence was how I looked in my gym clothes …

friends eating out

How to get fit by eating more, not less

When most people decide to get fit, they think about a diet and limiting what they eat. After many years of on and off dieting, I decided to turn the logic upside down and eat more of one specific food group – lean protein. This helped me get into the best shape of my life …

mother baby pool

How I got rid of bulging stomach after pregnancy

Ten months after I had my first baby, I hired a new colleague on my team. Years later she admitted that when I interviewed her, she thought I was pregnant.  The problem was that by this point I have lost most of the pregnancy weight, but my stomach was still looking constantly bloated. I did …