woman abs dumbbell

Best abs exercises with weights for muscles definition

Eating healthy/ gut friendly food and working on my deep core muscles were essential for me to lose the mom pooch after my second pregnancy. But the only way for me to see actual abs muscles definition was to add weights to my abs exercises routine.

In this post, I am sharing my favorite weighted abs exercises including video tutorial.

What you will need:

A single dumbbell. The ab roller wheel is optional, but I have to say it is the single most effective abs exercise in my personal experience.

How to perform the abs exercises:
  • Choose any 3 abs exercises
  • Do 15 reps per exercise
  • Perform all 3 exercises one after the other, no breaks
  • Take 90 secs break
  • Repeat for 2 more sets
  • Do the workout once a week
Abs exercises video tutorial:

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